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Implementation of Ecosystem Approach in the Adriatic Sea through Marine Spatial Planning

Total duration

46 months (September 2017 – June 2021)

Description and main objectives

The overall objective of the project is to restore the ecological balance of the Adriatic Sea through implementation of the Ecosystem Approach (EcAp as applied by UNEP/MAP) and improve management capacity at a subregional level through Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) as a viable management tool for the marine environment.

In so doing, the project proposes to integrate the Ecosystem Approach into management tools such us Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), and to provide technical assistance to Albania and Montenegro to strengthen their management capacity.

All other countries of the Adriatic sub-region, namely Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, while not being direct beneficiaries of this project, will participate in its implementation as Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, thus, will indirectly benefit from and contribute to its results.


  • Organization of a capacity building training for Albanian and Montenegrin experts related to the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (IMAP) and MSP.
  • A national gap assessment in Albania and Montenegro in order to identify the requested actions needed toward the development of a National Monitoring Programme aligned with IMAP for the Ecological Objectives EO1, EO2, EO3, EO5, EO7, EO8, EO9 and EO10.
  • A national IMAP for Albania and Montenegro related to the following Ecological Objectives: EO1, EO2, EO3, EO5, EO7, EO9 and EO10.
  • A marine field survey aligned with IMAP in Montenegro.
  • A marine field survey aligned with IMAP in Albania.
  • Launch of an MSP process in Montenegro.
  • Support for the Good Environmental Status assessment in Albania and Montenegro.
  • Elaboration of communication material to raise awareness about EcAp and MSP process in Montenegro and Albania and to inform about the project results.

Geographical scope and countries involved

Albania and Montenegro

Target groups

Practitioners and relevant authorities in the countries concerned by the project.


UNEP is the implementing Agency of the GEF Adriatic project, and UNEP/MAP Coordinating Unit is the leading executing agency, in partnership with PAP/RAC and SPA/RAC.

The GEF Adriatic project is funded by the GEF International Water and Biodiversity focal areas (GEF 6 Strategy).

For more information on the GEF Adriatic project, please contact​​​​​​​

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